Winning the Talent Retention Game: Tackling Turnover with a Twist of Positivity

Collaboration and Team Dynamics

In the grand chess game of talent management, retaining your knights and queens is crucial


But what happens when the chessboard – your workplace – becomes a battlefield of backbiting? 


The result is often a mass exodus of your top talent. 


Drawing from Glenn D. Rolfsen's insightful TEDx talk, let's explore how transforming your workplace environment can be your masterstroke in the talent retention game.



The High Cost of Negativity


The hidden villain in many organizations is not a lack of talent or opportunity, but the corrosive culture of backbiting


This negative dynamic doesn't just hurt feelings; it directly impacts your bottom line by driving away your best people. 


High turnover rates are a loud alarm bell, signaling the need for a change in the workplace atmosphere.



The Triple-Filter Test: A Communication Game-Changer


One of Rolfsen's key takeaways is the 'Triple-Filter Test', inspired by Socrates. 


This simple yet effective tool can revolutionize workplace communication. 


By encouraging employees to filter their words – Is it true? Is it good? Is it useful? – we can drastically reduce negative chatter and create a more supportive environment.



Gossip 2016: A Case Study in Culture Shift


Rolfsen's 'Gossip 2016' initiative serves as a shining example of how a collective commitment to positive communication can transform a workplace. 


This project not only curtailed gossip but also fostered a sense of shared responsibility and community, making the workplace a more desirable place to be.



Fostering a Supportive Environment


To retain talent, it's not enough to halt negativity; we must also actively build a positive, supportive culture


This involves recognizing and celebrating achievements, providing constructive feedback, and creating opportunities for growth and development.



Practical Steps for HR Professionals


Introduce the Triple-Filter Test: Educate your team about this communication tool and encourage its use in daily interactions.


Launch a Positive Communication Campaign: Inspired by 'Gossip 2016', initiate a similar campaign in your organization to foster a positive dialogue culture.


Regular Check-Ins and Feedback Sessions: Create a routine of regular check-ins with employees to discuss their experiences, challenges, and aspirations.


Recognize and Reward Positive Contributions: Implement a system to acknowledge employees who contribute positively to the workplace environment.


Encourage Team Building Activities: Organize team-building exercises that foster trust, collaboration, and understanding among team members.




Turning the tide on turnover is no small feat, but with a strategic approach focused on positive communication and a supportive environment, it's entirely achievable. 


By implementing the principles outlined in Glenn D. Rolfsen's TEDx talk, HR professionals can create a workplace where talent thrives and chooses to stay


Remember, the key to retaining top talent isn't just in the perks and paychecks – it's in the positivity and support you cultivate within your team.

For a deeper dive into these strategies and to see them in action, watch Glenn D. Rolfsen's TEDx talk. 

Let's embark on this journey to create a workplace where everyone wants to stay and grow!

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Ryan Kohler

Helping people get the career of their dreams!

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