Intro to Talent Alchemy

Hey, world changers! 


I'm Ryan Kohler, your friendly ex-founder of Applicant Pro. 


I've hopped off the proverbial ship to sail toward something fresh and exhilarating: Talent Alchemy. 




Buckle up, because we're about to explore a new universe where talent isn't just a buzzword—it's a craft, an art, a science. 


Whether it's talent attraction, onboarding, or alignment, we've got it all under our magician's hat!


Pairing Up Best Practices

What's a magician without a trick up his sleeve? Over the last 20 years, I've learned that the best solutions often come from the unlikeliest places. Manufacturing best practices for HR problems? 


You bet! 


Agile methodologies for product management?


 Why not? It's like a culinary adventure, but instead of pairing wine with cheese, we're pairing industries and professions to create a mind-blowing HR fusion. Hold on to your taste buds!


The Future of AI in HR


Let's time-travel five years into the future. Can you see it? AI is not just a passing fad; it's a revolution, a tidal wave, the top of the hype cycle. 


Sure, we're still figuring out the kinks, but trust me, in five years, AI will make a splash in the way you manage your teams, help your employees, and even build your career. 


From writing resumes to amplifying creativity, we're standing at the dawn of a new era.


ChatGPT for the Average Person


Ever wished for a magic wand that could turn your ordinary content into something extraordinary? 



Meet ChatGPT, your new creative BFF! 


Whether you're writing job ads, training manuals, or quirky team emails, ChatGPT is here to add that special sprinkle of magic. 


And the best part? 


You don't have to be a wizard to wield it. Talent Alchemy is all about unlocking the world of creativity for the average, maybe non-creative person. 


No judgment here, only innovation!


To sum it all up…


Talent Alchemy is more than just a blog and a newsletter; it's a movement, a philosophy, an invitation to think outside the box. 


I would love for you to join me on this remarkable journey. 


Follow me on LinkedIn, sign up for our newsletter, and let's make talent alchemy the talk of the town!