Speaker Community

Empower HR Professionals with Your Expertise


Are you a dynamic speaker, educator, or thought leader in the HR space? 


We invite you to join Talent Alchemy's community of speakers who are passionate about sharing insights, strategies, and innovative solutions to empower HR professionals worldwide. 


Our platform is dedicated to showcasing your expertise and helping you make a meaningful impact in the HR industry.


Our Speaker Framework: 


Elevate, Engage, Empower

At Talent Alchemy, we've developed a proven framework that allows speakers to make a lasting impression and drive meaningful engagement with their audience.

Here's how our framework works:


Elevate:  Position yourself as a credible and trusted expert. Craft your message to address real HR challenges and present unique strategies that spark curiosity.

Engage: Captivate your audience's attention through engaging content and interactive methods. Build a connection that encourages active participation and deepens understanding.

Empower: Equip attendees with actionable takeaways. Offer valuable insights and solutions that empower HR professionals to transform their practices and achieve success.


Our Video Series: 

Speaking Success in the HR Space


Check out our exclusive video series featuring Ryan Kohler, founder of ApplicantPro, as he shares his journey and insights into becoming a successful speaker in the HR space.

These videos break down his strategies for building credibility, crafting engaging presentations, and turning your speaking engagements into valuable opportunities.


Building Credibility as an HR Speaker  

Learn the secrets to establishing credibility and trust when approaching HR organizations as a speaker.



Creating Engaging Presentations  

Discover how to design and deliver presentations that captivate your audience and drive active engagement. Our Founder, Ryan, explains in detail below.  



Maximizing Opportunities from Speaking Engagements  

Uncover the art of transforming speaking opportunities into meaningful connections and business growth.



Join Our Speaker Community


Ready to take your speaking journey to the next level? 


Join our speaker community and gain access to a network of HR professionals eager to learn and implement your insights. 


We're committed to promoting your expertise and helping you shine on the stage. Whether you're an experienced speaker or just starting out, Talent Alchemy is the platform for you.


Get Started Today


Elevate your speaking career and make a difference in the HR industry.


Fill out the form below to get started as a featured speaker with Talent Alchemy.




Let your voice be heard. 


Empower HR professionals with your knowledge, creativity, and expertise.


Join Talent Alchemy's speaker community and make a lasting impact in the HR space.

Ready to inspire and educate? Become a part of the Talent Alchemy speaker community today!